In today’s world we are all more or less part of one big world war. As always, the main thing is to control the resources and with them the people – also just “human resources” for the powerful. In the last century, we thought that after the deployment of chemical weapons in the first world war, nuclear weapons in the second, humanity would learn its lesson and agree to global cooperation without wars. Although international agreements regulate weapons of mass destruction, some powers do not bother to abide by them and are busily arming themselves, including weapons and experiments in space. World wars have been replaced by local wars devastating entire countries and one global war: the information war.

In the vast majority of cases in history religion or clash of ideologies has played a significant role in stirring up conflicts, but all interpersonal macro and micro conflicts have had the same denominator and principles for millennia: bread & games for “my” tribe and divide & conquer for others. The massive global emergence of the digital era has opened up new previously unthought of possibilities for modern “leaders”. What would Goebels, the father of modern propaganda, have given for today’s (a)social networks; how much would Stalin and Mao have used the tools of rapid disinformation dissemination to manipulate the masses… It is a good thing that the technologies of measuring brain activity based on perceptions, spying on people’s behaviour and artificial intelligence were not as advanced then as they are now.  Oh wait, not only them, but many of their followers, with their desire to help control other people and control the use of the Earth’s resources, abused and exploited these principles and scientific knowledge in both the technical and humanities to the fullest. Population on Earth has been segmented into social bubbles and effectively targeted onto only “correct” propaganda, strumming the most sensitive strings of each of these targets. Salespeople know very well the importance of having a classifed and segmented customer, the importance of being able to be a chameleon and telling everyone just what they want to hear and what they best blindly believe. We have textbooks full of salespeople selling goodness. It has been proven over millennia that it is easiest to sel to strong believers, fools and frightened people who are in desperate situations. The well-known dictum then goes, “Don’t trust those who want your good. They will want to take it away from you.” This is beautifully seen in the current worldwide Covid pandemic. The troll factories and cults successfully spread their nonsense precisely through the social bubbles of the often strongly religious, esoteric, resonant and otherwise consonant societies and the various alternatives who so often believe, are the most vulnerable and blindly follow – their main goal is clear: to pit people against each other, to disintegrate society, and unfortunately they are succeeding… The global aim is then traditionally to weaken the competition. Disinformation has dug even deeper trenches between people with the sole aim of frightening, dividing, weakening and controlling people’s minds and especially their wallets – assets to be squeezed and thrown away. If we want to protect ourselves from manipulation and abuse, we must free ourselves from the so often blind faith and develop our knowledge and critical thinking.

The powerful of this world have always had the most opponents and potential competitors among the so-called “middle class”. What they fear most is the self-confident, economically self-sufficient, brave and free man. That is why in wars it is always these who are liquidated in the first line. Some get corrupted and become petty collaborators, some blindly believe that it is the greater good and become followers of the sect, most resign, others are thrown involuntarily into irrelevance, and the rest are then systematically socially, psychologically and even physically liquidated. For ex. under socialism/communism, the middle class in central and eastern Europe was almost wiped out.

We have moved from wars in the name of faith, cold wars for ideology and information wars to a global war for resources.

In the People’s Republic of China, they have been very clever: they have mixed the best of millennia of the world’s most successful marketing, propaganda, human spying, Soviet secret police, Western European colonization techniques, and aggressive American capitalism and police state, pilfered sensitive know-how, high-tech patents, and put it all into practice using the latest digital technologies and artificial intelligence. Globally, they have become the main producers of goods recklessly draining the Earth’s non-renewable resources and riding the wave of global consumerism and the undying desire of the majority of humanity to sip-sip-sip, to have more than others. It will be interesting to see where and which parts of the world will move and who will control more of the planet’s resources. Will it be China’s red vision applying Orwell #1984’s concept of the totalitarian spying state into practice? Or the Euro-American red/blue one moving towards a #BraveNewWorld not just in the Metaverse? Or the cartel of power of a strong brown state and church so much praised up to in Putin’s Russia and elsewhere? Sadly, in all the dominant power zones on the planet, a plutocracy is gaining strength, for whom humans are just an over-bred race that needs to be properly “whittled down” while it can. There are plenty of techniques for wringing people out, but they have several major unifying elements globally: fear, manipulation, hatred, humiliation, blind faith, personality cults, enslavement and self-sacrifice.

It goes without saying that less is sometimes more, and a quality life in a flourishing society does not need to swell all the time. A flower when overgrown will die, toxic thinking and consumption of junk often causes disease leading to cancer and death, collaboration with the powerful and state monopolies often leads to the destruction of the inconvenient and the degeneration of civilization. In such times, as now, new self-proclaimed messiahs often emerge. Don’t worry… I’ll take care of you and we’ll just do it for you. Believe and your faith will heal you. Live in harmony and harmony, just resonate. Vibrate. Even the path is a destination. Be still. Sunshine in the soul. Follow me. Don’t think about it. Don’t worry, be happy. Live here and now, you can’t influence anything anyway. It’s God’s will. It’s destiny. There’s nothing you can do. You’re insignificant. It’s coming at us from all sides. It’s no wonder so many people either succumb to hedonism, voluntarily close themselves off in vibrating/harmonious bubbles until they often fall down to toxic rabbit holes, resign, or even sacrifice themselves for a higher moral principle. Ugh…

Video for those who haven’t heard about rabbit holes from Kovy (in czech)

Some people on board the overheating global centralised economy pushed by quantitative easing are still dancing and not looking to the right or left. Others have succumbed to techno-optimism, believing that new technologies will save us all, solve all the planet’s problems, and allow us to move to Mars in the worst case scenario, all the while stuck in the thought and philosophical industrial bubble of the last century. In recent years there has also been talk of the so-called third way of #degrowth, the way of frugality, humility, circular economy and reduction of consumption. An interesting idea, sounds nice, but again it is mostly promoted by people of a collectivist mindset, dreaming lucid dreams of the domination of the individual by the crowd and strongly believing in the self-sacrifice of man as the highest standard of humanity.  Very often this current of thought goes hand in hand with “cancel culture”, genderism, casteism, neo-Marxism, mockery of others, superiority, political hyper-correctness, positive discrimination, class hatred, regulation by force, subsidies, the search for an external enemy, hubris, moral hyper-mindedness, and the invocation of the principle of a strong global state that mandates it, because it is just another way of going against the nature of man, of nature, and therefore needs to be enforced by push of power – by force. Because you stupid people don’t understand it anyway. Where all this is leading can be seen for example in the rise of the watermelon (green/red) ideology not only in Germany.

So I lamented, but what about it? What else?

For me, the sensible way forward for the future of people on Earth is the development of a knowledge society = Knowmad Society.

For progress and a sustainable future for the vast majority of people we must abandon concepts built on self-sacrifice, false altruism, class hatred, moral superiority, manipulation of history, segmentation/castration/categorization of people, censorship of thought and “cancel culture” always leading to the restriction of human freedom and reasoning. Unfortunately, very sick states also fail in their basic life functions: ensuring equality before justice and enforcing laws and measuring people by the same yardstick in the territory where the state has its monopoly of power. States often fail to protect people from violence and especially the sometimes abusive violence of the state itself and mafia tied to the state and missusing it as theor presale organization, and its sometimes self-appointed representatives. We have so many millions of rules and regulations that no one understands them properly anymore and instead of justice weighing on everyone equally, they are abused by power cartels to control and drain others, including natural resources. States fail to provide the basics: equality before justice and a safe space to live.

For living ecosystems to flourish for people, we need to resuscitate the ideas of the Enlightenment and take them to a higher level. Humanity needs to abandon its current unstable and unsustainable concepts of survival and focus on the flourishing of resilient decentralized living ecosystems. This will not happen without cultivating decency, shifting from subordinate collaboration with a more powerful often self-proclaimed “authority” back to free cooperation between people, and fostering local investment in the places where we live together.

It is well known and proven many times by history that every rich/big/strong organization/group will sooner or later be dominated by villains. We need lots of villains in society, but small ones. For if there are few and strong villains in a society – they will collude in a cartel of power and control the rest. The little bad guys keep each other in check. So let us please cultivate our little villain, but let us always remember not to let him overpower the good man that slumbers within each of us. It is natural and the world is not black and white. If we were all outwardly just villains or saints fighting with each other by any means necessary, there would be a total breakdown of society and anarchy and a decline of civilization as bad as in the days of the cartels of power and obscurantism.

Instead of global centralized structures and systems to concentrate power in the hands of a select few, we need to return to distributed systems of organizing societies, respecting not only regional differences, but above all honoring the freedom of the individual as the highest value.  Above all, therefore, we need to decentralise in a controlled way, to engage in lifelong learning, to improve and innovate the concept of how we work together, to move from collaboration to free cooperation. What is important is to offer people a new philosophy of life and hope that will enable them to find meaning (the target) and happiness (the four-leaf clover) in life through the cooperation of reason (the brain) and love (the heart) and thus live a meaningful life and not just survive. A meaningful life can be different for each person: for some it is filled with creation, for others with caring for others, discovery, entrepreneurship, art, etc. As living beings, we all need quality relationships with other people and to live in balance with the nature we have been, are and will always be connected to in our ecosystems. All of this gives us the energy to keep going. The future society will be made up of courageous knowmads, teachers, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, positive leaders and all others who have an active interest in their future and a quality environment for their genes in the next generations. Only on the basis of free cooperation, respect for others, personal (not collective) responsibility and appreciation of those who are different, who are not afraid to stick their heads out of the crowd and look around… We as a people can stop the degeneration of our abilities, the decline of knowledge, and the loss of many useful practical skills always preceding the decline of civilization.

In a one word, if we are to survive as a humanity in the long term we need #decentralization.

Decentralized economy, decentralized energy, decentralized urbanism, decentralized infrastructure, decentralized biodynamic agriculture, decentralized innovation, decentralized finance, invention and thought…. Only a decentralised – distributed system can be sustainable in the long term and not vulnerable and difficult to control by bad guys. Resilient decetralized society.

So in today’s divided society (and with people divided among themselves and communication full of toxicity and fear) let’s instead look for what unites people. To seek new ways for society to function to the benefit of the vast majority of people. Are we able to agree as decent people on our common core values? In the past, the moral beacon for many in the so-called Western world was the Ten Commandments, thank you for that! …but even that is now outdated.

We need more understanding, not only vibrate in harmony in our social bubbles.

What we need now is a new concept that brings people together to work together to innovate how society works. Can we, as a people, at least agree on the seven core values that we will protect, cultivate in ourselves and value in others? For my part, and so I dig them up for discussion, they are Freedom, Honesty, Decency, Bravery, Openness, Respect and Responsibility.

What’s next?
Stay tuned!

In order to seek new ways of flourishing the functioning of human society, cultivating and adopting the values proposed above and promoting the development of decentralized cooperation, a new website has been established: the Knowmad.Foundation
(invitation only for now)

If what we are preparing, doing, organizing, creating and sharing makes sense to you, support us: financially, with your ideas, with your time, by creating new content and sharing existing content from our and our friends’ sites. Thank you ~ the founding team of Knowmad Foundation.